Find out which investment companies recently and repeatedly GAVE, without investigation, millions to a shady character (IRS liens, bank fraud, money laundering and domestic battery) and how investors repeatedly watched the money disappear! ANNNNDDD he still gets to profit from a venture in which he ran through millions in months BEFORE being PAID, yes PAID, to leave! Living proof life ain't fair! And the product involves protecting your personal and confidential information.
Find out why Lorena Bobbit is not a hero! Find out why she should be serving time for first degree assault and attempted murder!
Find out Victoria's secret...hmmm!
Find out about the California employment judge, South Carolina government rep (your tax dollars at work), and major insurance company which helped a very questionable organization currently trying to sell you software on the market now! Find out what your dollars will really be supporting!
Find out how one "Steal-Eye" South Carolina female executive really advanced her career, AND her friends' careers!