tamra.nyc Wild Child Stompin' Ground

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Best automotive safety device: a rear view mirror with a cop in it.
Author Unknown

👩🏾‍💻 Wow... You Found Me... Again

Oct 15, 2024 6:32pm EST/NYC

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Heyderchere! Howyamommanem?

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Wow... You Found Me Again...


I had a dream... or "Biggie: it was all a dream..." Photo taken while starving to near death, waiting for death in 2003, after losing all assets from back-to-back fraud: Venrock/Rockefeller and Troy Reed-Larry Davis crime gang.

If you landed at this page, you were either lost, bored, or looking for me... because you thought I was interesting, you read something and wanted to meet the author, or you're one of my regular lurkers.lurker


What’s good here? Nuffin’!

What’s bad here? Depends on why you’re here. 😄

What can you gain by visiting this site? Who in the world knows?!

nodding It all depends on how you got here.

So… read, discuss, ponder, laugh, pound your fists on desk, or eat cereal as you click and dive into my humdrums and loquaciousness.

I hope you find the site funny, shocking, intriguing, and enlightening. If you don’t think it’s either, who needs ya! 😉 Beat it!

WARNING: Not responsible for uncontrollable outbursts of laughter, putting a smile on your face, falling asleep from reading too much junk, or “anger“.
(Sites selected were chosen randomly and not in anyway associated or affiliated with this web site.)

Latest Loquacity

The Chi is on brand with gun violence messaging! 4 Jul 2024

Shams Da Baron a/k/a Ramone Buford Is No Hero

Larry Davis Murder Conviction

#CorruptLivesMatter and key 1980s crack distribution player has been elevated, by public officials and civic leaders, to hero status and answer to homelessness...




Is it blue or corrupt lives which matter? It's clear that corrupt lives matter more.


Biggest Taxpayer Funded Fraud Since 1996

Pressler & Pressler aka Pressler Felt Warshaw fraud

#CorruptLivesMatter poster child, including with top law enforcement aiding and abetting Pressler's drugs/guns trafficking, and money laundering.


Venrock.com, No Different Than Street Thugs.

Venrock.com, a corrupt Rockefeller and racist corporation

Venrock employees, and board members, will watch your mother die, to cover up funding a serial Ponzi schemer, while telling workers to fuck off. Also, Venrock is anti-#BlackLivesMatter, yet company started by Spelman funder, Laurence Rockefeller.


Some Days It's Like This

I Wish vs I Hope Days

A funny seen around social media, "I wish" versus "I hope" (Cedric The Entertainer)... look it up 🤣


September 2013

Hudson River, via Brooklyn/Red Hook area

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... would you.. oh wait... Just a beautiful day on the Hudson River, taken while Pressler & Pressler folks were commuting to work, paying gas and more, while losing time with their families, all to hustle consumers. Copyright TM Cronin.

Which is it?? Because it's confusing, given my DIRECT experiences involving BLUE LIVES aiding and abetting CORRUPT LIVES - cop shooters, violent drug dealing gangs, and unconscionable white collar frauds - all of whom do not care if anyone, including law enforcement, dies from their actions!!!

Irony: Rockefeller family establishes strict drug laws and sentences...

which sends millions of poor to prison for minor drug infractions, then turns around and funds a Ponzi schemer, drug trafficker, money launderer, employment fraud and identity theft (LifeKeeper.com), while having a Rockefeller heir addicted to heroin! Read more...

I may be sarcastic and make light of things, but I should clarify this is NOT a joke. I know this DIRECT information about Venrock.com because of what happened to me personally at a Venrock invested company.

Need Millions Of Dollars For Your Business Or Pleasure??

Well, contact Venrock.com. You should NOT be denied for any reason. If a Ponzi schemer, Channler Drawdy, was given $22 Million to play around with, you should be able to receive whatever you need for any reason.

If told you don't qualify for funding, you will have a credible claim against Venrock because Channler Drawdy was NOT qualified for funding! A win-win situation! Venrock does not practice discretion when giving away millions. Just ask SteelEye a/k/a Lifekeeper.com and its unethical managers.


05/25/2020: Content on this @Jack Dorsey Twitter account is NOT associated with tamra.nyc, nor me in any way, whatsoever. It is associated with a white nationalist using both a stolen profile pic of a black male and my stolen pic as the header pic and within harassing tweets. This same white nationalist has been harassing, stalking, threatening violence and more, directly towards me since 2008. The person is a direct friend of Jack Dorsey, which is why the threatening, violent, and menacing behavior and content is allowed.

White privilege sure is nice, they get away with so much, while playing victim! This person is upset because their decade-long rhetoric and fake info isn't accepted by me, and assumed liberals. The purpose of the harassment: create fear while attempting to silence my voice. Clearly, this person doesn't know me. I've already been through hell and back, do not fear garbage, as that gives it more power than excrement on sidewalk deserves.

However, if this person has harmed you using while my name, likeness and image, I'm sorry this happened to you. And, you should notify your local authorities as this person is associated with bomb and death threats, while targeting liberals and assumed liberals.

twitter.com/extremelyvegas/status/1264432124611837954 - suspended, but same person, different account created for purpose of targeted harassment.

And yet, another Jack Dorsey-Posobiec account: https://twitter.com/pushfix. Person(s) posted information exclusively internal to Twitter, then deleted it quickly. But notice the date of account creation (2009), its "Following", as well as the consistent, inferior intellect, angry whitemanistan tweets. Great job, "Jacks" (Posobiec and Dorsey, and now Musk) by owning the libs with inferior intellect nonsense. 🤔 Question is, why doesn't Jack Dorsey simply join and stay at Parler, which is doing exactly what he wanted to do: give a platform to angry, white, inferior intellect white males, who feel they're being marginalized by intelligence, including STEM?

Speaking of Jack Dorsey, peep this account: @fuctmind, its current name. User has violated every Twitter rule (targeted harassment, menacing, misinformation, abuse, promotion of violence). User posted video of Hillary Clinton being hit in back of head and Linda Sarsour being drop-kicked, both of which were promoted by #badgradestrump. "FuctUp"-whatever-its-name-is-today is an angry 1st/2nd Jim Crow benefactor Italian-American. His family migrated to US during Jim Crow FOR whites only. He's upset that he can't just command a negro to obey him on the spot, and wants his "whites in charge only"-country back. "FuctUp"-literally cannot do anything except hover around government - local, state and federal, to ensure that the civil rights of others are blocked. Person always has "fuct" at beginning of user name, but changes username, after target harassing accounts with an army of stupids, to something like @fuctupmike, @fuctupmind, etc.

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And Then, There's Always This...

Confederates are not heroes nor brave men! They're the worst of ANY society!
kkk LOSER and creep Nathan Bedford Forrest

Cretin-confederates WERE scheduled to be AND should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended, if they did NOT pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES. Low-life confederates have only pledged allegiance to the lost-cause-confederacy, thus all their confederate monuments, street naming, etc. during the Civil Rights movement. Low-life confederates have provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder. President Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward and Thaddeus Stevens were 100% correct about the evil hearts of confederates. Look at their hateful legislation TODAY, and everyday. Now, low-life confederates attempting to overthrow our government via courts/SCOTUS, on behalf of worst persons on earth, led by 🦇💩🤪🍊🤡! READ MORE...

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